Why bring a friend, neighbor, work buddy, your son or your father with you to ISI? Here are some facts to think and pray about:

  • 95% of men who attend a conference make a life changing decision
  • 60% get connected to a small group
  • 25% make a first decision for Christ

Nearly 1,800 laymen, ministry leaders and pastors from 98 churches in five Mid-Atlantic states have joined us in Virginia and Maryland at our Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences! Men's lives were changed! One man told us it was perhaps the most important day in his spiritual life. New men's ministries have been formed; others were taken to a whole new level.

Join us November 1 at Christian Fellowship to experience the special camaraderie we have in Christ - a bond that transcends geography, denomination, race, age and stage of life. Help us to inform, invite and mobilize men in your sphere of influence!
Men’s Equipping Conferences Schedule
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Washington Area Coalition of Men’s Ministries